Overcoming Temptation Bible Study
Every Christian wrestles with the reality of lingering temptation to sin. More to the point, every Christian struggles with the reality of overcoming temptation to stay on the narrow gospel path of life. Understanding the New Testament’s vision for spiritual conflict and holiness can help help believers overcome temptation. Of course, the most important resource is Christ. This bible study uses the New Testament for overcoming temptation biblical hope for holiness, and ways to resist the devil.
Notice When Temptation Comes
How you handle temptation is very important to your spiritual health, not to mention, your walk with Jesus. While everyone is tempted, many people battle the same temptation for years without resolution. It’s like doing dirty laundry – wash, rinse, repeat, except they sin, regret, repeat. But how do you break the cycle? A good place to start for guidance is Luke 4. Here, Jesus gives us an excellent model for overcoming temptation.
When do you notice temptation? For Jesus, he was alone, hungry, tired and coming off a spiritual high of just being baptized. He was at the beginning stages of launching His ministry and in the wilderness; a place where demonic spirits dwelled. Oftentimes, we are faced with temptations when we are stress, hungry, tired or alone. Even when we are doing a good work for God, there are negative forces luring. And temptation can definitely occur when we are in places where sin is most likely to occur. So, when are the times you feel most tempted to sin? What are the circumstances? James 4:7 says to submit yourself to God and resist the devil.
Ways to Resist The Devil When You are Tempted
1. When facing temptation, get away quickly
In Timothy 2:22-23, tells us to run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. The key here, is run from and don’t stick around trying to justify your presence. Just as Joseph ran from the arms of a wayward wife, you need to run from tempting situations (Genesis 39 11:12).
Run towards God to pursue righteous living. These are things that will please God, such as peace in your life, faithfulness, and love. Another concept is run with. Enjoy the companionship of those who call the Lord. Simply stated, you need to run with the right people because who you befriend is often who you will become.
2. Pray for God to help you
God is faithful and he will strengthen and protect you from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3). When you are resisting temptation, remember this promise because God is 100% faithful to you. And this is also why Jesus encourages us to pray for protection during times of temptation (Matthew 6:13).
You should also know that even when you face temptation, Jesus is with you. He is able to guard, protect, empower, and uphold you. Remember, Jesus was also tempted just like you (Hebrews 4:15). And even now, Jesus is praying to the Father for you (Romans 8:34).
3. Avoid environments where you are easily tempted
You are a growing, thriving Christian. Don’t do the evils that you see others doing (Proverbs 4:14-15). If you are going to places where temptation will most likely occur, then you are headed down the wrong path. Instead, avoid these places as they will only lead to trouble.
4. Replace tempting thoughts with God’s Word
In general, when you are tempted, a thought is first formed in your mind. The more you think about the temptation, the more power it has. So, knowing that your thoughts are the first seed of every temptation (James 1:14-15, 2 Corinthians 10:5), you must replace those thoughts with God’s Word. Instead of thinking about the temptation, set your mind on God’s Word. You can even find scriptures that speak directly about the temptation you are facing, as well as scriptures about God’s faithfulness and His promises.
Post these scriptures around you, ready them out loud, and memorize them (Psalm 111:9-11). When you memorize and meditate on God’s Word daily, you hide His Word in your heart. In fact, this is what Jesus did. Each time Jesus was tempted by satan, He responded by quoting scripture! The Apostle Paul says that scripture is the sword of the spirit. So take the promises of God and use them strategically against your enemy. Paul also writes about fixing your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8-9).
Even if you think you may stumble, overcoming temptation is possible when you live according to God’s Word.